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What is Counselling?

Counselling is an umbrella term for talking therapies and is sometimes referred to as psychotherapy, where you are provided with a safe and supportive environment to share what is troubling you and are listened to in a way that helps you understand yourself better. The aim of counselling is to help you find more effective and satisfying ways of living your life.

Counselling is not like talking to a friend. It is far more effective, not usually offering advice but instead giving you a fresh perspective, helping you to find your own understanding of what you are dealing with and teaching you coping strategies. It is often easier to talk to a professional than a friend or family member as your counsellor is not personally involved in your situation, can offer impartial empathy and compassion and will not take what you say personally.

How I work?

There are many ways in which human psychology can be explored and integrative counsellors, like myself, take the view that there is no single theory which can hold all the answers. I use a blend of the three main counselling schools of thought; psychodynamic; humanistic; and cognitive behavioural. An integrative approach provides the flexibility required to tailor each session to your individual needs.

The therapeutic relationship is one of the most important factors in the effectiveness of your counselling sessions. My aim is to build a relationship based on trust where you feel able to confide in me about your issues. Counselling is a very personal process and it is important to acknowledge that there will be times during your therapy where it is necessary to talk about uncomfortable or painful things.

What are my qualifications and experience in Counselling?

I qualified as a counsellor in 2002 and subsequently achieved a Master Degree with distinction from the University of York St John. I am a Senior Accredited Member of the British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists, which is a leading UK professional body for counsellors. This Senior Accredited membership status means I have received a high standard of training, experience, supervision and follow a strict ethical code of practice in order to maintain this professional status.

       I was referred to Julie through word of mouth and I found her counselling style and approachable manner quickly made me feel at ease. Julie supported me to find my own solutions but also gave me feedback that was insightful beyond measure.


       Thank you for helping me gain a more happy and mindful life. I had tried therapy before but just felt like I was going round in circles. Julie tailored counselling to my learning style and specific concerns and helped me realise what was at the root of my issues. It’s fair to say this has changed my life.


       When my husband died suddenly I felt guilty for not telling him how I really felt or noticing how ill he was. Julie has helped me make sense and rationalise how I felt; and adjust to his death.

BACP Certified
EMDR  Certified
Certified Counsellor
NWC  Certified
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